Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavilion

Animal Collective is a band that I don't know much about.  Their album "Strawberry Jam" was a huge critical hit back in 2007.  Pitchfork Media said it was their sixth best album of '07.  Animal Collective is made up of four guys: Avey Tare, Panda Bear, Deakin, and Geologist.  Just by looking at their names you can tell they might just be a little different.  I have listened to Panda Bear's solo album, also released in '07 called "Person Pitch".  That was a strange album, so if Animal Collective sounds anything like Panda Bear, "Merriweather Post Pavilion" will be an interesting album to listen to.

Unlike the Bon Iver EP, I'm gonna listen to "Merriweather Post Pavilion" all the way through and then post comments about it.

Alright so I've finally listened to "Merriweather Post Pavilion", the latest album from the band Animal Collective.  After one listen it sounds a lot like Panda Bear's "Person Pitch" which sorta makes sense since Panda Bear is one of the lead singers of Animal Collective.  "Merriweather Post Pavilion" is not going to be for everyone.  In fact, I don't know if many people I know will enjoy it at all.  For me I feel that this is an album that is going to take multiple listens to fully appreciate.

The songs on "Merriweather Post Pavilion" all tend to blend together with there infectious beats.  It's hard to tell when a song ends and another one begins.  For some albums I feel that could be a bad thing, but for this one it works.  Lyrically I can honestly say I have no idea what is going on.  If you are one that tends to prefer relating to lyrics this album may not be for you.  Personally for me I can go either way.  Given the type of music Animal Collective creates, I'm okay with lyrics that don't really relate to me after one listen.

My favorite song so far on the album is Summertime Clothes.  First time I heard it I found it to be a fun song to listen to.  It's a fairly simple song about a hot summer night where you can't sleep and just going out and walking around the city with a loved one.  The beats within the song do a great job making you feel the joy of that experience.  It's just simple, upbeat fun.

Animal Collective's new album won't be for everyone.  I feel that if you enjoy experimenting with the music you listen to, you should give "Merriweather Post Pavilion" a listen.  There isn't really anything else out there like it.  Animal Collective is on the of the few bands out that are doing there own thing and have fun with it.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5

Bon Iver - Blood Bank EP

Bon Iver aka Justin Vernon, released one of, if not, the best albums of 2008 with "For Emma, Forever Ago".  For me, the album took sometime for me to fall in love with.  At first I thought all the songs sounded the same and were just kind of bland.  But throughout the year I kept hearing about this Bon Iver and how is album is supposed to be amazing.  So I kept listening to it.  After about the fifth listen I really started to like the album.  "For Emma, Forever Ago" did end up being one of my favorite albums of 2008, but that was 2008.

It is now 2009 and Bon Iver starts out the new year with an EP called "Blood Bank".  From what I've read about this EP is that it contains songs that were written during the same time as "For Emma, Forever Ago", but just didn't fit with the album.

Here are my thoughts as I listen to each track:

1) Blood Bank:  One thing about Bon Iver is that vocally he is just beautiful.  Then you throw in lyrics like "Then the snow started falling.  We were stuck out in your car.  You were rubbing both of my hands, chewing on a candy bar" and "That we don't know how to tell, I'm in love with your honor, I'm in love with your cheeks."  Something about those lines just pull at you emotionally.

2) Beach Baby:  Lyrically I have no idea what this song is about.  The instrumental at the end though is stunning.  I don't know if there is anything Bon Iver does wrong.

3) Babys:  Great intro that just builds up the anticipation for the song, very simple but gets you excited.  This song just seems very simple, but Bon Iver makes it so beautiful.  Lyrically this song is simple, it's just about making babies in the summer.

4) Woods:  Lyrically very easy, it's the same verse repeated multiple times.  Musically very different than anything Bon Iver has done before.  Imogean Heap is definitely the sound that comes to mind when you hear it.  It's hard to not be amazed when listening to this song because of how beautiful it is.

After an initial listen, "Blood Bank" is a great companion to "For Emma, Forever Ago".  It makes you just want more Bon Iver and shows that he isn't going to be a one hit wonder.  There is potential for great records for years to come.  I can't say anything but you must listen to Bon Iver.  You won't find anything more beautiful.

Rating: 4 out 5