Monday, April 30, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises - Trailer #3

The third official trailer for The Dark Knight Rises has been released.  This movie is one that I've been anticipating since The Dark Knight came out.  I've tried has hard as I can to not read rumors about the plot and look at leaked production photos.  Words can't describe how excited I am for this movie and this trailer only makes me more pumped up for it.  Please do yourself a favor and watch the trailer below.

After watching the trailer, how can you not be pumped up for The Dark Knight Rises.  The score alone sends chills down ones spine.  From the looks of it, the damage Bane is going to cause to Gotham is going to be on a grand scale.  Batman is definitely going to have his hands full in this one.

Currently most the internet is all a buzz about how sweet and epic The Avengers is.  Don't get me wrong, I want to see it too, but The Dark Knight Rises is hands down the movie event of the summer.  I have a feeling this trailer is going raise the anticipation level up and steal a little of The Avengers thunder.

Can we please skip the months of May and June and get to July 20th already?

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Movies Watched in February

With a movie collection approaching 400 movies, I've decided that I shouldn't watch them in alphabetical order. The main reason I want to do this is because I probably haven't watched about a third of my movies. By watching my movies in alphabetical order I will have to watch those movies that I have yet to see.

Here is a brief rundown of the movies I watched in February along with a rating out of 10.

-Atonement: I think this movie is shot beautifully, the score is fantastic and really enjoyed the performances by Kiera Knightley and James McAvoy. It's easy to see why so many critics enjoyed it and why it was nominated for so many awards. I would have to give this movie an 8 out of 10.

-Apocalypse Now: This is a classic film and it's hard to argue against it. Martin Sheen's performance was spectacular. The supporting cast that includes Marlon Brando, Robert Duvall, Dennis Hopper, and Harrison Ford all put on great performances. Francis Ford Coppola really doesn't a great job giving the audience a sense of what Vietnam was like. 9 out of 10.

-Any Given Sunday: It had been years since I've seen this movie and to be honest, I don't really know why I used to like it. It's definitely not as enjoyable as I once thought it was. Cameron Diaz has an pro football team owner was really unbelievable, it was hard to see why she even cared about the team. Dennis Quaid's character really reminded me of Brett Favre, an aging quarterback that doesn't want to give it up. Overall I thought the movie was too long and flashy. 4 out of 10.

-Anchorman: As comedies go I feel like Anchorman is ok. It has those memorable lines and scenes that you always remember and make you laugh, but Will Ferrell tends to get on my nerves after a while. It's one of those movies that's good to watch every couple of years but not much more than that. 6 out of 10.

-Avatar: This is one of those big over the top blockbusters that tends to work all across the board. The special effects are gorgeous. A lot of the time my jaw would drop at the sheer beauty of the scenery. The creatures that James Cameron was able to create were amazing. Yes the story is heavily recycled from FernGully , but for me that was okay. 8 out of 10.

-Back to the Future Part I-III: This is one of those movie trilogies that I had done all wrong. I had never actually seen the first movie. I watched the second one a bunch when I was little and saw the third one at least once. After finally seeing the first one I can honestly say that scenes in the other movies actually make sense now. I didn't really like that they recast the Marty's girlfriend after the first movie, but other than that they did a good job bringing back all the same actors. This is a pretty enjoyable series to watch and has some pretty iconic scenes. 8 out of 10.

-Backdraft: This is probably one of the first R-rated movies I ever saw when I younger and I absolutely loved it. Watching a group of firemen run into burning buildings to put it out and save those that are inside. What little boy doesn't find firemen to be real superheroes. Also the Universal Studios attraction made me enjoy the movie even more. As I've gotten older the movie has lost some of its glory, but the cast is still pretty sweet. Also it's a Ron Howard film and he doesn't have too many misses. 7 out of 10.

-Bad Boys 2: There is one thing Michael Bay is good at and that is explosions and like his other films, Bad Boys 2 has a lot of them. I remember liking this film a lot after seeing it in theaters but over time it has lost a lot of its sparkle. I feel like the action scenes are solid and enjoy Will Smiths performance, but other than that it's still just another action film. It doesn't really stand out and never really has moments that stick in the memory banks. 5 out of 10.

-Bambi: It has been ages since I have seen this movie and while watching it, I realized I forgot a lot about it. I still remembered a lot of Thumpers lines, but then again how could you forget that little rabbit. For some reason though I thought Bambi's mom died at the beginning of the movie, I was wrong. This kind of threw off the entire movie for me because I was anticipating when that was going to happen. It's pretty easy to see why this is a Disney classic: the characters a fun, action puts you on the edge of your seat and the audience goes through a wide variety of emotions while watching it. 8 out of 10.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Song from The Shins

I wasn't sure if this day would ever come, but The Shins have finally released a new song.  The Shins last album, Wincing the Night Away, came out in 2007.  When that album came out, I immediately fell in the love with it.  I listened to it all the time, I mean it never even left for CD player for well over a year.  It was one of those albums that you could listen to regardless of what your mood was.  It was a solid album.

But then time went by and reports of the band splitting up began to appear.  James Mercer, the bands leader singer, started doing the side project Broken Bells.  Other members of the band were forming new bands.  It broke my heart to think there would be no more music by The Shins.  But then news came out that James had began working on a new Shins album and that made me really excited.  Then news came that the album had a title, Port of Morrow, and a release date, March 20th, 2012.  Let me tell you, I was a happy camper when I heard this news.

And then yesterday, Jan. 9th, the first single from Port of Morrow was released.  The first single is called Simple Song and I must say I am a fan.  I really look forward to hearing what the rest of the album will be like.  Below is a link to that has the song streaming.  Hopefully you will enjoy it as much as I do.

The Dark Knight Rises Trailer #2

This is a few weeks old now, but I decided I should at least mention it.  Back on Dec. 19th, the second trailer was released for The Dark Knight Rises.  For you that know me really well you know that I have a slight obsession with the Christopher Nolan Batman movies and The Dark Knight Rises is the third and final film in his trilogy.

I have been eagerly waiting for a full length trailer for The Dark Knight Rises and the wait was well worth it.  I can watch this trailer nonstop.  I love it.  It's one of those trailers that doesn't give too much away about the movie and makes you wonder how everything goes together.  Below you can find the trailer.

I'm really excited to see how Tom Hardy does as Bane.  I enjoyed Tom a lot in Inception and Warrior and think he will do an amazing job as the films main villain.  I am interested in seeing how Anne Hathaway will do as Selina Kyle/Catwoman.  I'm putting a lot of trust into Nolan hoping he doesn't screw it up by having Catwoman in the movie.

I feel like the action scenes in the movie are going to be crazy just like they were in The Dark Knight.  In the trailer the scene where the football field just collapses looks insane.  I also feel like the fighting scenes between Bane and Batman could be fairly epic.  Bane is the type of character that will just be brutal.

The Dark Knight Rises is easily the biggest movie of 2012 for me.  July can't come soon enough.  In my mind I am already sitting in line for the midnight showing!